It’s easy to say what’s on your mind. How do you express what’s in your heart?
Our customers use flowers… and they’ve been relying on Petals to help them get it right since 1996.
How do you say, “thanks” to a co-worker that pulls an all-nighter finishing the big proposal?”
How do you say, “I’m sorry your Mom passed away?”
We are the business of helping our customers express their emotion at times such as these.
You can rely on us at the high points in your life, the low points, and everything in-between.
We’ll help you speak your heart in a way that’s better than words.
How we may serve you?
We are eager to support your Human Resources department in enhancing the employment environment of your personnel and providing an additional services benefit.
We are ready to assist your Sales and Marketing team in their efforts to keep customers coming back.
We contribute to your Facilities Management with our interior plant service.
We can also assit your key executives enhance their most critical business relationships and refine the image they project.
As a comprehensive interior horticulture company we operate a comprehensive interiorscape serice and a full-service flora department. We are created support programs designed to help your management achieve better results in key operating areas. Our goal is to provide you not just a product but a menu of effective management tools that contribute to your company overall performance.

Life cycle recognition, Merit recognition, and Employee Discounts for our products are the key features of our H.R. support strategy. User our tailored program to acknowledge the big events in your employees? lives, to reward a job welldone, and to add another employee perk to your benefits package.
Customized floral, plant, gift basket & balloon bouquet programs designed to thank your customers and enhance your relationships with them, Our programs are convenient, affordable, and effective. Ask us about how we can incorporate your logo as part of the gift.
An executive by definition is an exceptionally busy person. Do your top level managers have the time to nurture their critical business relationship? Let us be responsible to make sure that those key contacts are remembered with a tasteful gift basket or floral illustraring your company a high regard for them and the thoughtful professionalism of your company.
Interiorscape Design, Installation, and Maintenance Plants and planters for your offices, facilities, or residence is our specialty. We design, select, install, maintain, and guarantee fine foliage and blooming plants to enhance your environment and improve your air quality.